The Kyiv Institute of Rehabilitation and The United Ukraine Appeal announced the beginning of a partnership

The Kyiv Institute of Rehabilitation increases the possibilities for the rehabilitation of servicemen and civilians who are victims of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

Thanks to the newly concluded agreement with The United Ukraine Appeal Foundation (Australia), rehabilitation services for military and civilians who do not have funding from other foundations or the state, will be completely free of charge.

“We are very happy that we have a permanent partner. This will allow us to move from a strategy of survival to a strategy of development. Now we don’t have to think about daily expenses and can focus on expanding our capabilities. Both in terms of the range of our services and increasing the number of patients we can effectively help,” comments Roman Dvukhryadkin, co-founder of the Institute.

During the last 10 months, more than 300 patients, injured as a result of military operations, underwent the rehabilitation program. Thanks to the most modern equipment and the involvement of specialists, the activity of the Kyiv Institute of Rehabilitation has expanded into the scientific research sector thanks to the cooperation agreement with Ukrainian universities, in particular, the medical faculty of KNU named after Taras Shevchenko, Kyiv Medical University, Vernadsky Taurida National University (TNU).
Considering the great needs in Ukraine for the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of military personnel and civilians, the Kyiv Institute of Rehabilitation and The United Ukraine Appeal have started collecting and accumulating funds for the opening of the hospital of the Kyiv Institute of Rehabilitation. The functioning of the hospital involves moving to a separate building of the clinic near the recreation area with the provision of all necessary stages of rehabilitation and training of specialist rehabilitation personnel from different regions of Ukraine, a promising research program in cooperation with scientific institutions.

Kyiv Institute of Rehabilitation is a medical center of rehabilitation and restorative profile founded by citizens of Ukraine Roman Dvukhryadkin and Andrii Palamarchuk. Thanks to the union of various medical specialists, medical and scientific institutions, the center provides high-quality rehabilitation assistance to servicemen since the beginning of a full-scale invasion.
The Kyiv Institute of Rehabilitation helps patients after:
– the consequences of mine-explosive and gunshot wounds;
– shrapnel injuries;
– amputations of upper and lower limbs;
– the consequences of aquabarotrauma;
– closed cranial brain injury, concussion;
– post-traumatic damage to peripheral nerves;
– the consequences of an acute violation of cerebral circulation.

The United Ukraine Appeal is the leading private Ukrainian aid organization in Australia. The organization was founded by a group of Australians of Ukrainian origin, who could not stay away from the tragic circumstances of the war, which the people of Ukraine faced.

Contacts of the Kyiv Institute of Rehabilitation:
+380 (67) 242 22 32

More about partners:
Kyiv Institute of Rehabilitation —
The United Ukraine Appeal —