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helps in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, spine, inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the joints, endocrine (including obesity) and skin diseases.

Cryotherapy helps treat diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, spine, inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the joints, endocrine (including obesity) and skin diseases. In addition, it is used to treat cosmetic problems, such as cellulite: due to the blood flow, skin irregularities are smoothed out, and due to increased heat exchange, excess weight is lost.

The mechanism of the short-term effect of cold on the body is that there is a primary spasm (reduction of the lumen) of small arteries, which, after the end of the cold exposure, is replaced by their pronounced expansion. Blood flow to the dilated small arteries lasts from one to three hours, resulting in increased heat generation and improved tissue nutrition, both of the skin and internal organs, stimulation of the heart and blood vessels, and relief of venous outflow.

Cryotherapy is any treatment that involves the use of freezing or near-zero temperatures.

Cryotherapy can be a safe alternative method of treatment and prevention of many diseases.

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