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is a new method used by therapists who have been trained in kinesiotaping by certified kinesiotaping instructors (CKTI).

Kinesio taping is a new method used by therapists who have been trained in kinesio taping by certified kinesio taping instructors (CKTI).

Kinesio Tape is a hypoallergenic, latex-free cotton fiber tape with an acrylic heat-activated backing that stretches only along the longitudinal axis.

The tape can be stretched by 40%-60% of its length at rest. The tape has no healing properties. The thickness and weight of the tape approximately correspond to the weight and thickness of the skin.

Kinesiotape was created and developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase in 1973. It is a treatment that prolongs the effects of the physiological work done.

After many unsuccessful attempts to use the sticky tapes that were commercially available, Dr. Kase developed Kinesio Tex Tape.

What is kinesio tape used for?

Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, certified athletic trainers, chiropractors, doctors, manual therapists, nurses and physiotherapists around the world use kinesio tape for many dysfunctions ranging from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders to peat toes.

Today, although kinesio taping is used mainly by people who do not play sports, it is also used by high-level athletes.

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